Gurdwara Sahib
The Khalsa Diwan Society øf Victoria

Quick Facts about Sikhism
Sikhism is the fifth largest religion in the world.
Sikhism is a distinct religion with its own unique, divine scriptures and beliefs.
Sikhism is a 500 year old religion.
The Sikh religion originated in India.
There are over 26 million Sikhs worldwide.
There are over 1 million Sikhs in the United States and Canada.
About a half million Sikhs are estimated to live in the United Kingdom.
Sikhs have lived in North America for over 100 years. The first Sikh migration to the United Kingdom was in the 1950s.
Sikhs DO NOT believe in terrorism or hurting innocent people.
Sikh men and women cover their heads at all times as an expression of respect to their Gurus.
The Sikh turban symbolizes discipline, integrity, humility, and spirituality. The turban is a mandatory part of Sikh faith, not a social custom, or a hat that can be easily taken on or off.
Most people in North America and the United Kingdom with turbans are Sikhs.
The universal symbol of Sikhism is the khanda, the double-edged sword flanked by two daggers (representing worldly and spiritual powers, bound by the oneness of God).
The traditional greeting used by Sikhs is “Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh” which means “The Khalsa belongs to God, Victory belongs to God”. Another traditional greeting is “Sat Sri Akal” which means “Immortal God is Truth”.